Laura, Duchess of Manchester
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Laura's On-Line Articles and News
February 28, 2017
From:  Duchess of Manchester Blog No longer active. 

This is actually rather articulate for Laura, which makes me wonder if with the money from their NeoCon employers they have managed to pay a copy editor.  It is, however, more likely that their employers paid for the copy editor directly and demanded they use these services.  

See Note Below - Editor

"FAKE NEWS MARCUS SCRIVEN NEVER INTERVIEWS THE DUKE OR DUCHESS OF MANCHESTER .Marcus has no journalism degree but he writes fake half baked stories! Marcus bio below states he's not done anything for England.

Marcus Scriven refuses to tell truths and interview the Duke or Duchess of Manchester. As a journalist your first job is to GET BOTH SIDES TO A STORY. 

Marcus Scriven REFUSES to post anything about JASON Ballenskis attack and police report. 

ITS going public we have producers now and witness's photos and video filmed of Jason Balkenski vehicular manslaughter, JASON got out of his car beating and kicking The Duke in the head and back. As he lay in the street, at 2pm in the afternoon, Many witnesses!!!!"  MORE

Editorial Note:
We communicated with Jason and he offered proof of his assertion he had been threatened by Manchester and subsequently provided both photographs, documents, and videos.  These will appear in the future in another context.  

Here is one photo provided to us.  It is clearly Manchester holding a gun and appears to have been taken, as reported to us, using a cell phone at night.  Time appears.  The name is spelled Jason Ballensky.  Note misspelling of name by Laura above.